Schools use PASS Locator for tracking issue and return of equipment – games, musical instruments and confiscations. They use PASS Stock for educating students about inventory control systems. In this application the demo systems are regularly and automatically reinstalled every month and databases refreshed . There is no need for external IT intervention.
Universities use PASS Mailroom for tracking students parcels and PASS Stock for issue of consumables .
The healthcare sector can use PASS Locator in many issue and return applications. This can cover anything from tracking Operating Theatre equipment to Laundry issue or even bed occupancy. Clinics use PASS Storeroom to log the consumption of non reusable items and the issue and return or reusable ones. Small barcode printers take up very little room and often tethered scanners replace PDAS where there is no need for portability.
Factory and Warehouse
Warehouses use PASS Stock for managment of the inventory and for the issue and return of non stock items like tools.
Factories use PASS Stock to monitor production and quality control.
Both use PASS Locator for machinery and property maintenance which schedules the maintenance at regular intervals so that everything is always up to date. Another use is for health and safety checks using the records as evidence of proper maintenance in the event of problems.
Offices and buildings
Offices use PASS Locator to audit assets, record their condition and identify when replacements are due. Where maintenance is necessary then Locator will record any maintenance also giving a picture of the life of the asset and its current written down value.
Property management use PASS Locator for health and safety checks on equipment and building safety and sanitation. The PDAs record the scheduled checks and the system keeps a complete history of the checks.